We are currently assessing required repairs and potential upgrading of the Business Unit in Heughan House which is now over fourteen years old. We would like to share our ideas with you as this is a community asset and need to know your views before seeking planning permission and fundraising for the project.
Building and utility maintenance and repair will always be required. We manage these as ‘business as usual’. However, now there are some leaks which have started to occur in the rear business unit, the roof of the rear porch which forms the balcony of the flat has been identified as a cold bridge and the porch itself is needing more frequent repair.
Currently the business unit hosts a childcare service, which we consider to be essential for the village. As it stands the unit provides limited sanitation and hygiene capacity, particularly for children.
We were successful in gaining funding for a feasibility study to look at improving the building to address the identified issues and offer a business unit which is more attractive to current or future occupants. The output from this study is a design for a small extension, limited by the location of sewers, to the rear of the building and a re-work of internal spaces to give better food preparation, toilets and washing facilities.