Enterprise Centre built
Auchencairn Initiative

Auchencairn Initiative

Keeping you informed

Shop / PO /Café – Consultation

Our shop is thriving as a business and social hub, but our current leaseholders are moving on.

The building is a village asset managed by Auchencairn Initiative. They are driving this consultation to find out how YOU want to see the shop move forward. Please view the slideshow below for more information.

As this decision affects us all, the Community Council are joining the Initiative in urging everyone to voice their opinion.  As indicated in the slideshow, there will be two consultation meetings on Saturday 15th January 2022: one in the Community Garden at 11:30am for those who prefer to be outdoors, and one in the Murray Hall at 1:00pm. Lunch will be served for participants at 12:30 in the hall. You can also pick up an options leaflet from the shop and put the completed form in the Initiative’s green mailbox outside the store.


It would be very helpful if you could let us know if you plan to attend either of the meetings so that we can organise printing of handouts and lunches. Please email info@auchencairninitiative.org.uk